SubjectID - Unique ID of subject, from 1 to 1298 ItemID - Unique ID for question asked 1 to 7 Emotional wellbeing: enjoyment, love, anger, pain, sadness, stress, worry 8 to 18 Cantril's ladder: 11 steps from 0 to 11 19 to 24 Standard Gamble: probability p varying from 0.15 to 0.90 in steps of 0.15 25 to 30 Time trade-off: years x varying between 1.5 and 9 years in steps of 1.5 years 31 to 42 Recognition questionnaire: 12 language concepts alliteration, aphorism, eponym, euphemism, grapheme, hyperbole, interrogative, limiting adjective, capacitance, interjunction, lexical shunt, and sentence stigma. YES - Dummy, takes value 1 if subject answered with yes on the ItemID question, for cantril 1 indicates the ladder step Period - Period from 1 to 26, order in which the 26 questions from the survey were presented to the subjects why 26? Each subject saw 7 questions from emotional well-being task, 1 question cantril task, 3 questions SG task, 3 questions TTO task, 12 questions recognition task. Within a task, we randomized the question order. Half of the subjects saw the tasks in order Emot - Cantril - SG - TTO - Recognition. The other half in reversed order Recognition - TTO - SG - Cantril - Emotional PredictionTask - from 0 to 100, prediction about how many other respondends out of 100 answer with yes on a given question, NA in treatments without prediction task DecTime - Decison time in seconds, measures time elapsed for a given question from subject seeing question on screen towhen subject submitting answer LNDecTime - Ln of decison time ReversedLabel - "Norm" or "Rev", label variable for task order, Norm is Emot - Cantril - SG - TTO - Recognition, Rev is Recognition - TTO - SG - Cantril - Emotional Age - Age of subjects in years Gender - Gender of subject, 1 if Man, 2 if Woman, 3 if Trans*, 4 if Other , 5 if prefer not to disclose Income - Income of subject, 1 if < $15,000, 2 if $15,000 to $24,999, 3 if $25,000 to $34,999, 4 if $35,000 to $49,999, 5 if $50,000 to $64,999 6 if $65,000 to $84,999, 7 if $85,000 to $104,999, 8 if $105,000 to $149,999, 9 if $150,000 or more, 10 if prefer not to disclose Reversed - Dummy, 1 if task order reversed, 0 if normal task order Default - Dummy, 1 if defaults set in treatment Prediction - Dummy, 1 if prediction task present in treatment Incentives - Dummy, 1 if BTS incentives present in treatment Treatment - Treatment label as indicated in paper Follow - Dummy, 1 if subject selects answer that was favored by defaults quest - task label, Emot_Pos = emotional well being positive emotions, Emot_Neg = emotional well-being negative emotions, Cant = Cantril's ladder, SG = standard gamble TTO = time trade-off, Over_Real = recognition task real concepts, Over_Foils = recognition task foil concepts questid - indicator for task label, 1 if emotional well being, 2 if standard gamble, 3 if time trade-off, 4 if recognition, and 5 if Cantril's ladder