************************************************************ * * Dofile "D.1.CP_NHuse_Copayments_ForGraphs.do" * * Purpose: Simulate co-payments for nursing home stays (high-rate) and home care, based on income and wealth and legislative parameters * NB: Simulated co-payments do not include the Wtcg rebate * * Author: Marianne Tenand * * Created: February 2020 * Last modif: Mar 18 2021 * ************************************************************ /* File must be run on dataset including income and wealth variables */ /* This file must be adapted to simulate co-payments for fictitious cases based on their income box 1 2 and wealth. Step 1: impute inc_box12 and wea_ass Step 2: compute wea_box3 based on wea_ass and inc_box12 Step 3: compute inc_box123 = inc_box12 + 4% wea_box3 Step 4: compute inc_avai as the difference between inc_box123 and an empirical approximation of the taxes and premium paid --> use the empirical distribution of (income_gross - income_disposable) Step 5: derive inc_cont and CP Step 6: plot CP as a function of income_box12 and wealth */ **************************** *** Import of parameters *** **************************** * File with parameters /* Global indicating whether this script is run within the CBS remote access environment (=1), or outside (=0). Defined in D.2.CP_NHuse_CP_Graphs.do */ if $CBS_RA == 1 { global source_parameter "" } if $CBS_RA == 0 { global source_parameter "" } preserve *Institutional care import excel using "$source_parameter", sheet("Institutional care") firstrow clear keep year cp_low_min cp_low_cap cp_cap reb_pocket reb_aftrek thre_inc_high thre_inc_low discount_wtcg keep if _n >= 7 keep if _n <= 13 destring _all, replace sort year forvalues year=2008/2020{ local j = `year'-2008+1 foreach var in cp_low_min cp_low_cap cp_cap reb_pocket reb_aftrek thre_inc_high thre_inc_low discount_wtcg { global `var'_`year' = `var'[`j'] } } *Home care import excel using "$source_parameter", sheet("Home care")firstrow clear keep year price_hc cp_min_hc exe_hc keep if _n >= 4 keep if _n < 14 destring _all, replace force keep if year >= 2009 & year <= 2014 sort year forvalues year=2009/2014{ local j = `year'-2009+1 foreach var in price_hc cp_min_hc exe_hc { global `var'_`year' = `var'[`j'] } } *Wealth import excel using "$source_parameter", sheet("Wealth") firstrow clear keep year thre_wea reb_wea_1 thre_wea_1_inc reb_wea_2 thre_wea_2_inc thre_wea_max keep if _n >= 4 keep if _n <= 14 destring _all, replace sort year forvalues year=2008/2020{ local j = `year'-2008+1 foreach var in thre_wea reb_wea_1 thre_wea_1_inc reb_wea_2 thre_wea_2_inc thre_wea_max { global `var'_`year' = `var'[`j'] } } restore *********************************************************** *** Creation of income, wealth and co-payment variables *** *********************************************************** foreach var in wea_box3 inc_avai /// inc_cont_high_pre inc_cont_high_post inc_cont_low_pre inc_cont_low_post /// CP_NH_high_pre CP_NH_high_post CP_NH_low_pre CP_NH_low_post /// inc_cont_HC_pre inc_cont_HC_post /// CP_HC_max_pre CP_HC_max_post { gen `var' = . } forvalues year=2009/2015 { global year = `year' *** Box 3 wealth *** ******************** replace wea_box3 = max(0,wea_ass - ${thre_wea_${year}}) /// if year == ${year} replace wea_box3 = max(0,wea_ass - ${thre_wea_${year}} - ${reb_wea_1_${year}}) /// if inc_box12 <= ${thre_wea_1_inc_${year}} /// & wea_ass <= ${thre_wea_max_${year}} /// & year == ${year} replace wea_box3 = max(0,wea_ass - ${thre_wea_${year}} - ${reb_wea_2_${year}}) /// if inc_box12 <= ${thre_wea_2_inc_${year}} /// & inc_box12 > ${thre_wea_1_inc_${year}} /// & wea_ass <= ${thre_wea_max_${year}} /// & year == ${year} *** High-rate co-payment on nursing home care *** ************************************************* * Step 1 * replace inc_avai = inc_box123 - (inc_box123 - income_disposable) - ${reb_pocket_${year}} - ${reb_aftrek_${year}} if year == ${year} * Step 2 * replace inc_cont_high_pre = inc_avai /// if inc_avai <= ${thre_inc_low_${year}} /// & year == ${year} replace inc_cont_high_pre = ${thre_inc_low_${year}} /// if inc_avai > ${thre_inc_low_${year}} & inc_avai < ${thre_inc_high_${year}} /// & year == ${year} replace inc_cont_high_pre = inc_avai - 0.25*max(0,inc_avai-${thre_inc_high_${year}}) - (${thre_inc_high_${year}} - ${thre_inc_low_${year}}) /// if inc_avai >= ${thre_inc_high_${year}} /// & year == ${year} * 2% addition replace inc_cont_high_pre = 1.02*inc_cont_high_pre if year <= 2013 * Wealth addition replace inc_cont_high_post = inc_cont_high_pre + 0.08*wea_box3 * Step 3: Co-payment cap for nursing home care * foreach var in pre post { replace CP_NH_high_`var' = max(0,min(${cp_cap_${year}}*12,inc_cont_high_`var')) if year == ${year} } *** Low-rate co-payment on nursing home care *** ************************************************* * Step 1: compute the relevant 'contribution income' * /* It is simply equal to overall income from boxes 1 2 and 3 before the reform; after the reform, it is increased by the wealth addition */ replace inc_cont_low_pre = inc_box123 replace inc_cont_low_post = inc_box123 + 0.08*wea_box3 * Step 2: compute the low rate co-payment as a share of the contribution income * /* A minimum co-payment and a cap apply */ foreach var in pre post { replace CP_NH_low_`var' = max(${cp_low_min_${year}}*12,min(${cp_low_cap_${year}}*12,0.125*inc_cont_low_`var')) if year == ${year} } *** Maximum co-payment for home care *** **************************************** replace inc_cont_HC_pre = inc_box123 replace inc_cont_HC_post = inc_box123 + 0.08*wea_box3 foreach var in pre post { if ${year} < 2015 { replace CP_HC_max_`var' = max(${cp_min_hc_${year}},0.0115*inc_cont_HC_`var' - ${exe_hc_${year}}) /// if year == ${year} } if ${year} >= 2015 { replace CP_HC_max_`var' = 0 if year == ${year} } } } *** Express the co-payment on nursing home care in euros/month *** ****************************************************************** foreach exp in low high { foreach var in pre post { replace CP_NH_`exp'_`var' = CP_NH_`exp'_`var'/12 } } /* END OF DOFILE */