Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)

Publication Package: Adolescents’ trust and reciprocity towards friends, unknown peers, and community members

Posted on 2023-09-28 - 08:27 authored by Sophie Sweijen

This is a publication package for the article of  Sweijen et al (2023). Adolescents’ trust and reciprocity towards friends, unknown peers, and community members. Journal of Research on Adolescence. The publication package contains study information, measures, computer code (SPSS syntax), and data files.

Using a newly developed version of the Trust Game among 196 adolescents aged 11-20 years, this study examined whether adolescents distinguish between trust and reciprocity to unknown peers, friends, and community members. We also tested for effects of age, gender, and individual differences in attending to others’ emotions, emotional support to friends, societal contributions, and institutional and interpersonal trust beliefs. Results indicated that adolescents showed the least trust and reciprocity to unknown peers, more to a community member, and most to friends. Reciprocity increased with age, and individual differences in societal contributions and interpersonal trust were positively related to trust and reciprocity. This study was the first to show that community members are a specific target in adolescents’ social world.

For an overview of the study design and measures, see our OSF page


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