I am Head of Open and Responsible Science (ORS) at Engagement & Research Services (Erasmus University Rotterdam). My responsibilities include:
- leading the development of vision, strategy, and mid-term goals of the ORS team;
- ensuring connection and collaboration with other departments, within Erasmus Research Services and the university at large;
- organizing, directing, and conducting everyday and existing activities of the department and managing its human and material resources.
Former Senior Advisor Open Science, founder and former coordinator of OSCR.
- ERIM Preregistration Guidelines
- The role of cognitive reappraisal and expectations in dealing with social feedback.
- Towards wide-scale adoption of open science practices: The role of open science communities
- [Analysis-Preprint] The Role of Cognitive Reappraisal and Expectations in Dealing with Social Feedback
- Making ERP Research More Transparent: Guidelines for Preregistration
- Towards wide-scale adoption of open science practices: The role of open science communities
- Dynamic interplay between reward and voluntary attention determines stimulus processing in visual cortex
- Making ERP research more transparent: Guidelines for preregistration
- Dynamic Interplay between Reward and Voluntary Attention Determines Stimulus Processing in Visual Cortex
- Quality is key
- Electrophysiological correlates of the interplay between low-level visual features and emotional content during word reading
- Rapid Extraction of Emotion Regularities from Complex Scenes in the Human Brain
- I believe, therefore I am: Effects of self-control beliefs on behavioral and electrophysiological markers of inhibitory and emotional attention control
- A Fruitful Rendezvous at SIPS: Neuroimagers Meet Study Preregistration Advocates
- NSF 19-501 AccelNet Proposal: Community of Open Scholarship Grassroots Networks (COSGN)
- Rapid processing of neutral and angry expressions within ongoing facial stimulus streams: Is it all about isolated facial features?
- [Data-Analysis-Preprint] Dynamic interplay between reward and voluntary attention determines stimulus processing in visual cortex
- Augmented Publishing - A Proof of Concept
- [Data-Preprint] Feature-Specific Attention Allocation and Rapid orienting to fearful faces
- Rapid processing of neutral and angry expressions within ongoing facial stimulus streams: Is it all about isolated facial features?
- [Materials-Data-Analysis-Preprint] Rapid extraction of emotion regularities from complex scenes in the human brain
- [Preregistration-Materials-Data-Analysis-Preprint] Electrophysiological correlates of the interplay between low-level visual features and emotional content during word reading
- [Materials-Data-Analysis-Preprint] Involuntary attentional orienting in the absence of awareness speeds up early sensory processing
- [Data] Attentional gain is modulated by probabilistic feature expectations in a spatial cueing task: ERP evidence
- Attentional gain is modulated by probabilistic feature expectations in a spatial cueing task: ERP evidence
- Involuntary attentional orienting to counterproductive exogenous cues
- [Materials-Data-Analysis-Preprint] Rapid processing of neutral and angry expressions within ongoing facial stimulus streams: Is it all about isolated facial features?
- Talks and Workshops
- Electrophysiological correlates of the interplay between low-level visual features and emotional content during word reading
- Rapid extraction of emotion regularities from complex scenes in the human brain
- [Materials-Data-Analysis-Preprint] Shedding light on emotional perception: Interaction of brightness and semantic content in extrastriate visual cortex
- Shedding light on emotional perception: Interaction of brightness and semantic content in extrastriate visual cortex
- Involuntary attentional orienting in the absence of awareness speeds up early sensory processing
- Semi-parametric proportional hazards models with crossed random effects for psychometric response times
- Multiple synergistic effects of emotion and memory on proactive processes leading to scene recognition
- Brain mechanisms for emotional influences on perception and attention: what is magic and what is not
- No prior entry for threat-related faces: evidence from temporal order judgments
- Valence-specific modulation in the accumulation of perceptual evidence prior to visual scene recognition
- Brain dynamics of upstream perceptual processes leading to visual object recognition: a high density ERP topographic mapping study
- Emotions and the temporal perception of events
- The comprehension of idiomatic expressions in schizophrenic patients
- Good Scientific Practice in MEEG Research: Progress and Perspectives
- INOSC Starter Kit
- W31 - Advancing the open science agenda: an introduction to responsible research intelligence reporting
- Responsible Data Sharing: Open Science and Personal Data
- An open code pledge for the neuroscience community
- EEG ERP Preregistration Template
- Credit where credit is due: Acknowledging the true breadth of roles and skills that comprise research
- An applied introduction to good practices in preregistration
- A manifesto for rewarding and recognising Team Infrastructure Roles
- The Role of Cognitive Reappraisal and Expectations in Dealing with Social Feedback
- A Manifesto for Rewarding and Recognizing Team Infrastructure Roles
- Badges to Reward Open & Responsible Research Practices