Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)

Warehouse Data NL & BE 2017/2012

posted on 2019-06-17, 07:21 authored by Christian KapsChristian Kaps, René KosterRené Koster
Dataset containing warehouse performance characteristics from 2017 and 2012 for 131 warehouses from the Netherlands and Belgium.

This dataset was compiled in 2017 by Christian Kaps with the support of René de Koster from Erasmus University Rotterdam as well as the warehouse associations evofendex and TLN in an effort to gather real-life data for a research project on automation’s effect on warehouse efficiency.

The core variables per warehouse are 4 input measures (Floor space, SKUs, FTEs and Automation Level) and 4 output measures (Order Lines, Error Free %, Special Services and Flexibility). Each respondent was asked to provide data for the current operations (2017) and, based on records or recollection, data for 2012. In addition to these data, a few variables on value-chain position, ownership structure and industry were also collected per warehouse.

Through asking 1,827 warehouses managers in the Netherlands and Belgium to fill out an online survey (Warehouse_Data_NL_BE_2017_Questionnaire.pdf contains the printed version of the survey), 214 submissions were obtained of which 131 were complete and use-able (7.2%). These 131 respondents constitute this dataset.

Refer to "ReadMe" file for more information.
