Full Report of the First Global Responsible Research Summit -Toward a Responsible and Sustainable Research Ecosystem in Business and Management
This report is a documentation of the RRS2019 Summit. It serves as the event proceedings and compiles information from the group discussions in an unbiased manner with the intent that it can be used as a resource or reference for special purpose actions.[1] We hope this report will inspire and support others to begin their own internal dialogue about responsible research within their individual communities.
Over the course of the Summit, ten groups tackled Responsible Research from every perspective. This included both the aspirational and high-level issues, and the granular, thornier issues. Two sessions focused on challenges and aspirations with specific ideas to address them. Two other sessions focused on solutions, concentrated on actionable ideas, that can be considered by stakeholder groups: deans, senior scholars, journal editors, association and accreditation leaders. The 2019 Summit ended with many actionable ideas, and participants left with their personal commitments, but it was not an end in itself.